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Mekong sub-region ", hope you find the content you want on the website Customs News

Vietnam contributes to a peaceful, prosperous Mekong Sub-region
20:26 | 25/10/2016 Headlines
The 7th Ayeyawady Chao Phraya Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy Summit ACMECS 7 the 8th Cambodia Laos Myanmar Vietnam Summit CLMV 8 and the World Economic Forum on Mekong WEF Mekong began in Hanoi on October 24.

Vietnam contributes to dynamic, prosperous Mekong sub-region
20:44 | 13/10/2016 Headlines
Vietnam has been making practical contributions to turning the Mekong sub-region into a dynamic and prosperous economic area via CLMV and ACMECS cooperation framework, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh has affirmed.
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