From 1 April 2019, non-cash payment of Customs taxes and fees:  fast and convenient

From 1 April 2019, non-cash payment of Customs taxes and fees: fast and convenient

VCN - The first day of implementation of non-cash payment of Customs taxes and fees at the provincial and municipal customs units showed that payment of fees were fast and convenient.
From 1 April 2019: Do not use cash to pay taxes and fees to Customs authorities

From 1 April 2019: Do not use cash to pay taxes and fees to Customs authorities

VCN- At the same time, the provincial and municipal Customs Departments are requested to organize and coordinate with commercial bank branches and State treasuries in their areas to establish transaction points and collection points near the Customs chec
Derivatives fees repel investors

Derivatives fees repel investors

Trading liquidity on the derivatives market has fallen for the past five sessions after the new trading fees came into effect on February 15.
Revising some fees and charges

Revising some fees and charges

VCN – The Ministry of Finance has issued Circular No. 117/2018/TT-BTC amending and supplementing some articles of Circular 279/2016/TT-BTC stipulating rates, the regime of collection, remittance, management and use of fees for food safety and hygiene affa
Amending 3 circulars on fees and charges in the agriculture

Amending 3 circulars on fees and charges in the agriculture

VCN – The Ministry of Finance has completed a draft circular amending and supplementing some articles of Circular No. 231/2016/TT-BTC stipulating the collecting rates, regimes of collection, remittance, management and use of fees in the plant protection..
Hai Phong: collect nearly 1,164 billion of seaport fees

Hai Phong: collect nearly 1,164 billion of seaport fees

VCN - According to updated information by Hai An District People's Committee (Hai Phong), by the end of September, the district collected VND1,163.7 billion, equivalent to 64.6% of the estimate, up 8% over the same period of 2017.
Companies bear more burdens due to increase in fees from many shipping companies

Companies bear more burdens due to increase in fees from many shipping companies

VCN - As reflected by the seafood companies, recently, many shipping lines have increased fees for no reason, raising more costs and burdens for enterprises.
Guiding allocation of fees for copyright to imported goods value

Guiding allocation of fees for copyright to imported goods value

VCN- According to analysis of the General Department of Vietnam Customs, point b Clause 8, Article 14 and 16 of Circular 39/2015/TT-BTC dated March 25, 2015, of the Ministry of Finance stipulating procedure for declaration and allocation for copyright fee
Government pays special attention to taxes and fees for enterprises

Government pays special attention to taxes and fees for enterprises

(HQ Online)- Tại cuộc họp báo Chính phủ thường kỳ tháng 8 vào ngày 30/8/2017, Bộ trưởng, Chủ nhiệm Văn phòng Chính phủ Mai Tiến Dũng đã báo cáo kết quả của phiên họp thường kỳ Chính phủ tháng 8.
Exemption from nationality fees, civil status fees and residence registration fees

Exemption from nationality fees, civil status fees and residence registration fees

VCN - The Ministry of Finance has just issued Circular No. 64/2017 / TT-BTC guiding the exemption from nationality fees, civil status fees, and residence registration fees for the residents.
Transfer fees do not have big impact on price levels

Transfer fees do not have big impact on price levels

Mr. Nguyen Van Truyen-Deputy Director of the Department of Price Management under the Ministry of Finance says: The development of CPI has decreased over months.
Expenditure for environmental protection is higher than the revenue from environmental protection fees

Expenditure for environmental protection is higher than the revenue from environmental protection fees

VCN-The Thai Nguyen’s National Assembly Delegation proposed the Government to allow the revenue from environmental protection fees to be returned to the place where the mineral exploitation was performed.
Following the MOF, some ministries, agencies and localities prepare to fix expenditure of public cars

Following the MOF, some ministries, agencies and localities prepare to fix expenditure of public cars

VCN- The information above was shared by the Mr.Thinh at the Conference summarizing the working performance in 2016 of the Department of Public Asset Management under the Ministry of Finance on December 27, 2016.
44 fees transferred into service pricing mechanism from 1 January 2017

44 fees transferred into service pricing mechanism from 1 January 2017

VCN - This was information issued at the Press Conference on pricing management mechanism for service goods transferred from fees and charges into prices.
Management and use for receipts of fees and charges need to be controlled

Management and use for receipts of fees and charges need to be controlled

VCN- Currently, the issue of losing receipts for fees and charges or the receipt of authorized tax collection is becoming more common at the People’s Committee of communes, wards, township-level. Therefore, the General Department of Taxation proposes to closely control the management and use of receipts of authorized tax collection and receipt of fees and charges at these levels to avoid the serious consequences that may be occur.
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