07:49 | 05/05/2017
VCN- The story of customs statistics is thought to be only dry numbers, but through the ongoing efforts of the Customs, the statistics are increasingly bringing interesting and lively information on the economic picture of the country.
15:16 | 21/04/2017
In the first quarter of this year, imports from China jumped by 18.9% to nearly US$12.7 billion against the same period last year, making up 27.3% of the country’s total imports, according to preliminary statistics from the General Department of Vietnam C
09:43 | 25/12/2016
VCN - According to Customs statistics, the import turnover of 10 key groups reached $US 99.86 billion and accounted for 63.6% of the whole country’s total import turnover in the first ten months of 2016.
10:15 | 05/12/2016
VCN -The General Department of Customs will add one more mode to count the import and export commodities, which is classification according to mode of transport besides current statistical data.
20:36 | 16/11/2016
Customs Statistics
VCN-In the 8 months (January-August) of 2016, Vietnam‘s trade-in-goods reached US dollars 223.55 billion in total value, 3.3% above the corresponding period of 2015
08:07 | 06/09/2016
Several organizations and individuals have raised questions about the gaps between periodic statistics reports and monthly accumulated statistics in preliminary charts and tables published by the General Department of Customs.