Impressive growth in budget revenue
17:05 | 16/04/2022
VCN - The Government's support policies have been working well; businesses have accelerated their production and business activities, so the tax revenue has achieved positive results.

To remove difficulties for businesses, export and preferential import tariffs must be collected
16:14 | 13/12/2021
VCN - Decree No. 101/2021/ND-CP was issued to remove difficulties for domestic production and business enterprises affected by the pandemic.

The General Department of Taxation points out a number of value-added tax refund fraud
19:54 | 15/03/2021
VCN - The tax industry has been raising vigilance against businesses trading high-risk goods like electronic components, wood products, and agricultural, forestry, and aquatic products to prevent value-added tax (VAT) refund fraud.

Agree with the e-stamp policy
20:18 | 13/01/2021
VCN – The e-stamp policy for alcohol, beer and cigarettes is necessary, making an important contribution to the fight against counterfeit and contraband goods, and helps consumers easily trace the origin of goods.