MOIT continues to cut many business conditions

VCN - Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh has just signed Decision No. 1408 / QD-BCT dated 27th April 2018 to approve the master plan on simplifying a series of administrative procedures and business conditions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) in 2018.
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moit continues to cut many business conditions

Export and business conditions of rice is one of the contents revised by Ministry of Industry and Trade in this time. Photo: Internet

Under Decision 1408 / QD-BCT, 54 administrative procedures will be abolished and simplified. Of these, 12 procedures will be abolished and 42 procedures will be simplified for 10 areas, in 19 legal normative documents, including 10 Circulars, 1 Joint Circular, 1 Decision of the Prime Minister and 7 Decrees.

Specifically, in the area of trade promotion, the MOIT has reviewed, revised and abolished 9 administrative procedures related to the certification of registration for promotion games of chance in two or more provinces or centrally-run cities or under the provisions of Article 17 of Decree No. 37/2006 / ND-CP and Joint Circular No. 07/2007 / TTLT-BTM-BTC.

The MOIT shall abolish the provisions on the image of promotional goods and goods used for sale promotion, and the form of lottery tickets for the promotion program issuing lottery tickets; shall replace Certificates of goods quality, sale promotion services as well as goods and services used for sale promotion according to law provisions by written Copies of quality of promotional goods according to the law.

In addition, the Ministry shall also abolish the liability provision that within 7 (seven) working days before the promotion program, traders must send a written notice to the Department of Industry and Trade where the promotion program is registered together with a copy of written certification by the MOIT. Instead, this notification responsibility shall belong to the MOIT notifying the Department of Industry and Trade where the trader organizes the sale promotion program of which contents have been recognized for coordinated management.

The MOIT shall also abolish the provision on notification to request traders to complete and supplement insufficient and ineligible dossiers. At the same time, allowing traders to choose 1 of 3 methods to register for the promotion including: via post, directly register at the headquarter of a State management agency or via online public service (which was not available in the past)

Regarding food safety, the MOIT shall abolish and simplify 8 administrative procedures. In which, the provision on documents in the Application for granting certificates of eligibility for food safety for food business establishments are annulled as follows: a certified copy by the establishment and investment registration certificate which has the business line of food according to provision on granting certificates of eligibility for food safety for food business establishments, which is issued by the MOIT or Department of MOIT. At the same time, the content of "workshop area", "ventilation system" and "lighting system" shall be abolished in the written Statement on facilities under Form 2a stipulated in Appendix II, attached to Circular. 58/2014 / TT-BCT.

Regarding import and export, the MOIT shall cut the provision on granting import permits of cigarettes for duty-free goods business under the Government's Decree No. 167/2016 / ND-CP; and reduce the implementation time from 5 working days to 3 working days for the issuance of certificate of free sale (CFS) for imports and exports under the management of the MOIT in Decision No. 10/2010 / QD-TTg.

In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall also abolish the written certification by the specialized management ministry. The request for opinion from the specialized management ministry shall be transferred from the responsibility of the traders into the responsibility of opinion exchange among state agencies; At the same time, the processing time for granting export processing Permit with foreign elements stipulated in Circular No. 04/2014 / TT-BCT shall be reduced from 10 working days to 5 working days

Regarding the Government's Decree 109 / ND-CP on rice export business condition, which has been controversial during the past time, the MOIT has also revised the processing time from 15 working days to 10 days for the issuance or adjustment of the contents of the certificates of eligibility for rice export business; At the same time, abolishing the provision on the new issuance of "Certificate of eligibility for rice export business" to replace the Certificate which is nearly expired

In addition to trade promotion (9 procedures); food safety (8 procedures); import and export (7 procedures), procedures in 7 other sectors shall be reduced and simplified including Goods Exchange (3 procedures); Measurement Standards (9 procedures); Competition Management (7 procedures); Safety Techniques (5 procedures); Liquor Business (2 procedures); Energy (3 procedures) and Electricity (1 procedure).

This is the first time of reduction, simplification of administrative procedures, business investment conditions of Ministry of Industry and Trade in 2018 and is considered as "the third revolution" in the history of industry and trade.

Previously, the first cut was made in December 2016 according to Decision No. 4846 of the Minister of Industry and Commerce. Accordingly 123 administrative procedures were simplified and abolished (of which 15 procedures were abolished and 108 procedures were simplified) out of a total of 443 administrative procedures within the scope of the Ministry.

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Then, in 2017, with the Decision 3610a / QĐ-BCT, the Ministry of Industry and Trade continued to cut and simplify 183 procedures (including 49 procedures of abolishment and 134 procedures of simplification) out of 451 existing procedures of the Ministry in 2017.

By Thanh Nguyen/ Huyen Trang

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