Many cases related to production of fake food prosecuted

Many cases related to production of fake food prosecuted

VCN - The production of fake food products has become more complicated. The Environmental Crime Prevention Police Department (C05, Ministry of Public Security) has proactively taken measures to combat, prevent and prosecute many violations.
Why  antiquities importers proposed to be criminally prosecuted?

Why antiquities importers proposed to be criminally prosecuted?

VCN - The case of containers of antiques over 100 years old, dating from the 18th to the 20th century, seized by the Saigon Port Zone 4 Customs Branch (HCMC Customs Department), has just been transferred to the Police Investigation Agency (HCMC Police) fo
157 customs-related cases prosecuted

157 customs-related cases prosecuted

VCN – Of 157 customs-related cases, the Customs agency prosecuted 45 cases and transferred 112 cases to other agencies.
Prosecute the case of importing prohibited goods relating to “ghost” enterprise

Prosecute the case of importing prohibited goods relating to “ghost” enterprise

The imported shipment of New Binhy Phuoc company has been prosecuted by the Saigon port area 1 Customs Branch due to "smuggling".
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