6 outcomes of the discussions through 2 days of APEC Finance and Central Bank Deputies’ Meeting

6 outcomes of the discussions through 2 days of APEC Finance and Central Bank Deputies’ Meeting

The APEC Finance and Central Bank Deputies’ Meeting (FCBDM) has continued the second day (24/2/2017) of the 2-day agenda with the discussion on financial inclusion and other concerned business.
2017 APEC Finance and Central Bank Deputies’s Meeting

2017 APEC Finance and Central Bank Deputies’s Meeting

On 23 February 2017, APEC Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting (FCBDM) has finished the first day of the 2-day meeting agenda (23-24/2/2017) in the city of Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province, Viet Nam, the first event of APEC Finance Ministers’ Process in
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