Deputy Minister of Finance Vu Thi Mai: “Expect to receive fair comments from enterprises”

VCN- It is stated by Deputy Minister of Finance Vu Thi Mai at the Dialogue Conference on Tax and Customs policies and administrative procedures 2018 held on 27th November 2018.   
deputy minister of finance vu thi mai hope to receive fair comments from enterprises Deputy Minister of Finance Vu Thi Mai believes that Customs will fulfil the assigned tasks
deputy minister of finance vu thi mai hope to receive fair comments from enterprises Deputy Minister Vu Thi Mai: Customs sector needs to make a breakthrough in facilitating trade
deputy minister of finance vu thi mai hope to receive fair comments from enterprises Deputy Minister of Finance Vu Thi Mai: The Customs has to surpass the revenue target of VND 293 trillion
deputy minister of finance vu thi mai hope to receive fair comments from enterprises
Deputy Minister Vu Thi Mai gave a statement at the conference. Photo: T.L

Deputy Minister of Finance Vu Thi Mai, said that as per the report on the Administrative Procedures Cost Index 2018 (APCI 2018), the Tax sector was ranked first among 8 administrative procedure groups with the lowest compliance cost (VND 73.75 thousand). The average time limit for processing an administrative procedure by the enterprise was 2.9 working hours. Currently, 99.96% of enterprises subject to tax management implemented e-Tax- declaration. Also, Vietnam deployed tax payment at 63/63 provinces and cities; continuously provided services on e-tax declaration and payment, e-tax refund and e-invoice.

In the Customs field, over the past time, the Customs reviewed, reduced and simplified 223 Custom procedures, and has continuously deployed e-Customs procedures. Currently, the VNACCS/VCIS was implemented at 100% of Customs units nationwide with 100% of automated procedures, and more than 99.65% of enterprises carrying out e-Customs procedures.

The Customs sector also deployed the automated system for Customs management at seaports and airports; piloted the information system for management of enterprises engaged in export processing and production; deployed tax payment via banks.

The Customs sector took the initiative to effectively implement many operations, electronized many procedures, contributing to reducing Customs administrative procedures, shortening customs clearance time for enterprises to promptly deliver goods for their partners, reducing the direct contact between Customs officials and enterprises and restricting negative acts.

“In fact, the results in reforming Customs and Tax procedures in recent years are highly appreciated by the World Bank,” Deputy Minister of Finance Vu Thi Mai said.

The Deputy Minister said that Customs and Tax policies and procedures must be continuously improved and updated in a timely fashion to match with the actual requirements; meanwhile the business production of enterprises was very exciting and diverse. Therefore, during the compliance of regulations of policies and administrative procedures to the reality, it does not do to avoid shortcomings and adequacies. “Today, we are here, the Ministry of Finance is ready to listen to comments from enterprises to continue improving policies and answer questions from enterprises, facilitate and remove shortcomings for enterprises in implementing Customs and Tax procedures and policies, boosting enterprises’ business production and contributing to accelerating the investment environment in Vietnam,” Deputy Minister Vu Thi Mai said.

In the coming time, the Ministry of Finance hopes to receive many fair comments from the business community on Vietnam’s Tax and Customs procedures and policies to continuously reform and improve towards further transparency and in a specific manner, helping taxpayers to comply with tax policies sufficiently, quickly and conveniently, contributing to encouraging investment and exports, and in line with international practice and international commitments in the process of Vietnam’s regional and world economic integration.

Besides questions, if enterprises were still confused with issues mentioned at the conference, the Deputy Minister proposed enterprises to directly contact, or contact via the VCCI or business associations for gathering and reporting to the Ministry of Finance, the General Department of Vietnam Customs, and the General Department of Taxation for a timely response.

deputy minister of finance vu thi mai hope to receive fair comments from enterprises Deputy Minister Vu Thi Mai: Customs sector needs to make a breakthrough in facilitating trade

VCN- Praising and appreciating the results in all aspects of the Customs in the first 6 months ...

"In the coming time, the Ministry of Finance will continue to reform administrative procedures, including Tax and Customs procedures, paying attention to modernizing tax collection management, creating a fair and transparent business environment, and facilitating the implementation of tax obligations to the state budget," the Deputy Minister said.

Together with solutions of the Government, the Prime Minister, central and local ministries and sectors, the Ministry of Finance deserts enterprises to actively take advantage of opportunities to innovate and enhance their competitiveness, fully and strictly comply with Customs and Tax regulations, contributing to the general goal on socio-economic development of the country in the current context of deeper international economic integration with a lot of challenges.

Mr. HOANG QUANG PHONG, Vice President of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI):

The dialogue conference is one of expressions of the spirit of learning and responsibility of the Ministry’s leaders for enterprises in the production and business process, which shows the determination on reform and modernization of the sector on the basis of listening, exchanging and solving problems of enterprises related to Tax and Customs.

The collection of comments and recommendations is carried out regularly by VCCI and the Ministry of Finance, enterprises should take the initiative in giving comments for inappropriation in the tax and customs administrative process, in order to avoid long-term obstacles affecting the operations of enterprises and relationship between enterprises and tax and Customs.

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