Over 3,000 businesses use e-invoice

VCN- The application of e-invoice is the trend of advanced countries in the world, including Vietnam. Currently, over 3,300 businesses have used this form with positive feedback.  
over 3000 businesses use e invoice Taxation authorities propose delaying e-invoices till July 2019
over 3000 businesses use e invoice Development of e-invoice needs responsibilities of the two sides
over 3000 businesses use e invoice More than 300 million of e-invoices registered
over 3000 businesses use e invoice
Illustrative photo

This information was presented at the workshop on guiding to use e-invoice in 2018 by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) on 24th January 2018.

At the workshop, Ms. Tran Thi Lan Anh, Deputy General Secretary of VCCI stated that the IT application in production and business activities in general and using invoice in particular is a general trend of advanced countries in the world.

“IT and information infrastructure tends to increasingly develop, facilitating the development of e-invoice. For enterprises, the use of e-invoices has brought many benefits such as reducing cost and time in printing, issuing, sending and storing paper invoices, and restricting counterfeit invoices. Vietnamese enterprises need to approach and apply new technology solutions to enhance their management. Therefore, the productivity of each enterprise will be better ensured and will develop in a more professional way” Ms. Tran Thi Lan Anh stressed.

According to the General Department of Taxation, Mr. Nguyen Van Phung, Director of Department for Tax Administration at Large Enterprises said that currently, the General Department of Taxation has assisted large enterprises in the fields of telecommunication, aviation, electricity, banking, and water supply to effectively deploy e-invoice. In the beginning, only more than 330 enterprises used e-invoices, so far nearly 3,000 enterprises use this form.

According to Mr. Phung, the use of e-invoice has not only contributed to reducing time and cost for enterprises but has also contributed to preventing invoice fraud and reduced time for carrying out administrative procedures for invoicing.

The representative of the General Department of Taxation said that the Ministry has to submit to the Government the draft amended Decree on Invoice to replace Decree 51/2010/ND-CP dated 14th May 2010, and Decree 04/2014/ND-CP of the Government dated 17th January 2014, which is expected to take effect by 1st July 2018.

over 3000 businesses use e invoice Taxation authorities propose delaying e-invoices till July 2019

The General Department of Taxation GDT is considering asking the Ministry of Finance to postpone the compulsory ...

“The draft Decree provides many new contents to facilitate legitimate enterprises, contributing to creating a transparent business environment. The draft Decree stipulates that e-invoice is compulsorily applied to state enterprises, organizations and agencies, including agencies in charge of market inspection and management. Enterprises are only permitted to use e-invoice and are not permitted to use 2 types of paper invoice as previously done. With some specific cases that cannot use e-invoice, the Tax authority will print invoices to issue or sell to enterprises” Mr. Phung said.

Mr. Hoang Bao Ngoc, the representative of CMC Soft Solution Company confirmed that the benefits from e-invoice have overcome the disadvantages that paper invoices cannot handle thoroughly.

Article's URL: https://english.haiquanonline.com.vn/over-3000-businesses-use-e-invoice-5854.htmlPrint article

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