Collecting US$ 36 billion from exports of agricultural, forestry and fishery products

VCN- According to the latest information from Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the export turnover of agricultural, forestry and fishery products in December is estimated at US $3.13 billion, bringing total export value in 2017 to US$ 36.37, up 13% compared to the same period in 2016.
collecting us 36 billion from exports of agricultural forestry and fishery products Agricultural products importers have signs of VAT evasion with amounts of dozens of billions of VND
collecting us 36 billion from exports of agricultural forestry and fishery products Vietnamese agriculture improves quality for exports
collecting us 36 billion from exports of agricultural forestry and fishery products Vietnam returns to import some agricultural products from India
collecting us 36 billion from exports of agricultural forestry and fishery products
2017 is the successful year of agricultural, forestry and fishery exports. Photo: Internet

In which, export value of major agricultural products was estimated at US$ 18.96 billion, export value of fishery products is estimated at US$ 8.32 billion and major forestry products was estimated at US$ 7.97 billion. Compared to the same period last year, the growth rate of the above commodity groups was 15.7%, 18% and 9.2%.

In general, in 2017, the changeable weather caused difficulties for agricultural production. The area under paddy cultivation was estimated at 7.72 million hectares, decreasing by 26.1 thousand hectares and equaling 99.7% compared to the same period last year. The productivity was estimated at 55.5 quintals per ha, decreasing by 0.2 quintals per ha and equaling 99.6% compared to the same period last year.

For forestry products, the production in the past year sustained good growth due to favorable weather, which facilitated the development of forest plantation and exploitation. In recent years, the Forestry sector showed signs of prosperity; the forest plantation brought high economic efficiency and stable income.

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In the field of fishery production, 2017 also achieved positive results in both shrimp and fish hatching by applying advanced techniques in farming and actively preventing disease. Fishery productivity in December was estimated at 315,000 tons, up 16.5% over the same period last year, bringing the total fishery productivity for this year to 3,833 tons.

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