Most ministries and sectors have accomplished allocated budgets

VCN- In the report sent to the National Assembly, the Ministry of Finance said by early March 2017, the ministries and central agencies have basically accomplished allocated budgets for units, investment projects and sent them to the Ministry of Finance for inspections according to regulations.
most ministries and sectors have accomplished allocated budgets Domestic revenues are relatively high thanks to land revenues and fees
most ministries and sectors have accomplished allocated budgets List of Provinces reaching a high state buget revenue collection.
most ministries and sectors have accomplished allocated budgets Investment in science and technology: it’s time not to “wait” for the budget
most ministries and sectors have accomplished allocated budgets
Completing the plan early will accelerate disbursement on schedule.

Assignment of basic construction investment reaches 99%

From the beginning of 2017, the Ministry of Finance has completed the guidelines on implementation of the State budget estimates for 2017 and announced the tasks of State budget collection and expenditure for 2017 of ministries, central agencies and localities to ensure time according to the Law.

On the basis of the tasks assigned for the State budget in 2017, ministries and central agencies have urgently implemented the allocation of State budget estimates for 2017 of investors and budget-using units. People's councils in localities have decided on socio-economic tasks and State budget estimates for 2017.

For ministries and central agencies, by early March 2017, the ministries and central agencies have basically accomplished allocated budgets for units and investment projects. But until 23rd March 2017, the Ministry of Education and Training deployed and allocated investment plans for 2017 and sent them to the Ministry of Finance to examine according to regulations.

The total regular budget has been inspected by the Ministry of Finance to allocate about 96% of the estimated budget. The remaining budget estimates are mainly allocated to the prevention of epidemics, funding for scientific research, projects, tasks awaiting for approval of competent authorities. In the case of lacking dossiers and explanations on the allocation basis, the Ministry of Finance has requested the additional inspections according to regulations.

For basic construction investment, central agencies have allocated capital estimates for project investors at the rate of about 99% assigned by the Prime Minister.

According to the Ministry of Finance, the units have allocated regular budget estimates and investment capital, in line with the assigned regimes and budgets, using appropriate expenditure and resources to implement salary reform and rational arrangement for priority objectives under the regulations.

However, there are still some cases where capital is allocated not in line with the regulations and through inspection, the Ministry of Finance has a written request for readjustment. For cases of delayed allocation, the Ministry of Finance has urged to allocate cost estimates according to regulations.

For Government bonds in 2017, in accordance with Resolution No. 27/2016 / QH14 on the State Budget estimate for 2017, the National Assembly decided on the total amount of 50,000 billion vnd. Till now, the allocation of estimates has been nearly 5.2 trillion vnd, equivalent to 10.4% of the estimate of the National Assembly.

40 out of 63 localities decide on expenditure estimates higher than the assigned budget

63 out of 63 People's Councils of provinces and centrally-run cities have decided on their socio-economic tasks and State budget estimates for 2017. Till now, the total State budget revenue collection (excluding budget management) has reached 1,205 trillion vnd, an increase of 1.1% (12.7 trillion vnd) compared to the Prime Minister's estimates.

In particular, domestic revenues increased by 1.4% (11.7 trillion vnd), with 39 out of 63 localities deciding on collection estimates higher than the assigned budget; revenues from import-export activities increased by 0.3% (985 billion vnd), with 9 out of 59 localities deciding on collection estimates higher than the assigned budget, and 50 out of 59 localities deciding on estimated budgets; and revenues are mainly from crude oil.

The total local budget expenditures (excluding expenditures from the central budget) have been 702 trillion vnd, an increase of 2.8% (19.3 trillion vnd) compared to the budget assigned by the Prime Minister.

In particular, 40 out of 63 localities decided on expenditure estimates higher than the assigned budget (including expenditures from the source of budget revenue, transferring source and balance of previous year and increasing budget deficit) 17 out of 63 localities decided on expenditure estimates equal to assigned estimates; 6 localities decided on expenditure estimates lower than assigned budgets due to allocating resources for balance expenses. The level of budget deficit is lower than the estimate assigned by the Prime Minister.

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For localities with revenues and expenditures not consistent with the orientations of the central Government (spending on education-training, science and technology is lower than the assigned budget; and the total amount of loans from local budgets is higher than the assigned budget), the Ministry of Finance has requested the provincial People's Committee to report to the People's Council for adjustment in accordance with the provisions of the Budget Law or in the course of managing the budget in 2017, the State will strive to increase revenues, save expenditures to supplement the budget, lower than the assigned budget; implement over-spending and borrowing from the State budget without exceeding the budget estimates approved by the Prime Minister.

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