155 smuggled iphones by air

VCN - On 29th March 2017, the Anti-Smuggling and Investigation Department (General Department of Customs) coordinated with the Noi Bai International Airport Customs Branch (Ha Noi Customs Department) detected and seized Iphones with a total estimated value of over 3 billion vnd from Hong Kong (China) to Noi Bai, Hanoi.
bat giu 155 chiec iphone lau qua duong hang khong Prosecute the case of 180 Apple Iphone 7
bat giu 155 chiec iphone lau qua duong hang khong Seized illegal shipment of about 8 billion VND in Moc Bai border gate
bat giu 155 chiec iphone lau qua duong hang khong 8 unknown origin IPhone 7 phones seized
bat giu 155 chiec iphone lau qua duong hang khong
Exhibits of the smuggling case

The above shipment was detained by the Customs force in the morning of 29th March 2017 when checking registered luggage on a flight from Hong Kong to Noi Bai, Hanoi. Functional force detected 3 bags with card number HX 480149; HX 480150; HX480151 of passenger Vu Thi Phuong, passport number N1689036 with suspect signs.

Then, the functional force conducted physical inspections and discovered 80 red iphone 7 plus of 128 gb, 20 iphone 6s plus all kinds and 5 iphone 7 of 128gb. Total number is 155 iphones.

At the time of inspection, the owner of the shipment - Ms Vu Thi Phuong could not show the invoices, vouchers or related documents for the shipment. Moreover, the estimated value of the shipment is more than 3 billion vnd. These are import goods which must have import license of the Ministry of Information and Communications.

bat giu 155 chiec iphone lau qua duong hang khong How did nearly 180 iPhone 7s in a transit shipment "disappear"?

VCN- Right after Apple released its iPhone 7 in the middle of September, 2016, a shipment of ...

Currently, the shipment has been confiscated and the case continues to be investigated for clarification.

Article's URL: https://english.haiquanonline.com.vn/155-smuggled-iphones-by-air-3093.htmlPrint article

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