Regulations issued on public operations of Vietnam Customs

VCN- The General Department of Vietnam Customs has issued Decision 188/QD-TCHQ dated February 2, 2017 on the issuance of "The regulation on public operations of Vietnam Customs". This regulation takes effect from February 2, 2017 and replaces another series of regulations on principles, disciplines and rules of behavior  in the Customs sector.
regulations issued on public operations of vietnam customs

The regulation on public operations of Vietnam Customs is applied from February, 2017. Photo by Thu Trang

“The regulation on public operations of Vietnam Customs” stipulates the principles and responsibilities in the public operations of Vietnam Customs including: regulations on responsibilities and duties and working relationships, working regime, business, meeting, training and security; regulations on using uniform, posture, style of work, internal regulations, and hygiene in the offices of individuals and units in the organizational system of Customs.

This regulation is applied for the subordinates of the General Department of Vietnam Customs, civil servants, officials and people working under labor contracts in Customs. In which, the regulation requires Customs officers when performing public services must acknowledge the assigned functions, tasks and powers. They must have the sense of responsibility and organizational discipline in line with the function scope, duties, powers and strictly abide by the units’ regulations.

Especially, for the principles performing public operations in directions and implementation of directions, the regulation provides: the issue of the directions must abide by the hierarchical order of the leaders in the units from superiors to subordinates. The directions must be clear and specific, the leaders issuing the directions take responsibility to urge and supervise their implementation. In necessary cases, the superior leaders can directly conduct to subordinates, but then need to reform to the leaders in charge of the receiving levels.

The persons implementing the direction must ensure time and requirements correctly and report to the superior leaders on the directions against with the regulations under the laws. In case of being forced to implement directions, they must save their opinions for exemption from their responsibility in accordance with the law.

regulations issued on public operations of vietnam customs Vietnam Customs issues regulation about inspection and internal control of customs procedures

VCN – The General Director of the General Department of Customs issued Decision No. 4398/QĐ-TCHQ about regulations ...

It is acknowledged that the compliance of the regulation on public operation is one of the criteria to assess and classify Custom officers monthly and annually and support to the consideration for periodic emulation and reward. The units or civil servants violating the regulations will be handled as per provisions of the law and the General Department of Customs. The heads and deputies of units which have the violated officers on regulation are also considered their responsibility under the regulations of the State and the Ministry of Finance and the General Department of Customs.

This new regulation will replace the series of Decisions: 1395/QD-TCHQ on ten principles of Vietnam Customs; 1691/TCHQ/QD-TCCB regulating on using Customs uniform; 557/QD-TCHQ on the behavior principles of public servants, officials and contract workers of Customs; 2628/QD-TCHQ regulating manners as well as organization of ceremony in Customs and Decision 1951/QD-TCHQ stipulating the compliance of handling violations in the observance of principles and administrative disciplines of civil servants and officials and contract workers in the units of the General Department of Vietnam Customs.

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