Saigon port area 4 Customs joints hand to facilitate trade

VCN - On February 28, 2023, Saigon port area 4 Customs Branch (HCM City Customs Department) held a meeting and dialogue with five enterprises operating warehouses and ports in the area.
Leaders of Saigon port area 4 Customs Branch discussed with port enterprises. Photo: T.D
Leaders of Saigon port area 4 Customs Branch discussed with port enterprises. Photo: T.D

According to the leader of Saigon port area 4 Customs Branch, organizing dialogue with enterprises operating warehouses, yards, and ports is one of the action programs to implement the content of Directive 01/CT-HCM City Customs on February 3, 2023, issued by Director of HCM City Customs Department on strengthening solutions to complete the tasks of 2023, to coordinate with these businesses to join hands to facilitate trade for import and export enterprises.

At the meeting, leaders of Saigon port area 4 Customs Branch shared with warehouses, yards and port enterprises some information about the plans and tasks of the HCM City Customs Department and its branches.

According to Saigon port area 4 Customs Branch, in 2023, HCM City Customs Department was assigned a target of collecting VND 145,800 billion. In particular, the Saigon port area 4 Customs Branch was assigned to collect VND 2,400 billion.

"Besides facilitating trade and increasing state revenue, Customs authority must strengthen anti-smuggling, prevent trade fraud, and handle tasks and backlogged goods in the context of the domestic and the world economy are facing many difficulties ... so it is necessary to cooperate and comply well with the law of enterprises and related parties, including warehouse and port businesses" - leader of Saigon port area 4 Customs Branch said.

At the conference, leaders of Saigon Port Customs Branch Area 4 and representatives of businesses discussed and solved obstacles in the process of performing tasks in the area.

At the same time, I learn about the difficulties and advantages of warehouse and port businesses. Strengthening coordination between Customs authorities and warehouse and port businesses...

To facilitate customs management in the area, as well as for import-export businesses, the Customs authority suggested that it was necessary to strengthen coordination in supervising the area between ICD staff and customs officers, maintaining coordination in verifying cases of goods that have not passed supervision area needed to be faster.

For ICD Phuoc Long 3 port, it was proposed to arrange a separate physical inspection area for some specific goods; this concentrated inspection place needed to be wide, open and close to the riverbank to facilitate barge anchoring. Currently, there is no centralized inspection area, so it is difficult for the Customs to inspect goods.

In addition, to attract goods to the port, arranging a space for enterprises to gather shipments with many containers is necessary. According to enterprises, many container shipments sometimes do not have space to unload, so pulling goods to carry out procedures at the port is difficult.

Besides that, arranging large spaces for cold stores to store and preserve frozen goods while waiting for quarantine results.

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