Quang Nam Customs – Sekong Customs (Laos): Strengthen cooperation and promote trade via Nam Giang – Dak Ta Ooc international border gate

VCN - To implement the cooperation program between Vietnam Customs - Lao Customs, and continue promoting the good tradition and special friendship between the two provinces of Sekong (Laos) - Quang Nam (Vietnam) and the relationship between the two Customs authorities, according to the foreign policy program in 2022, Quang Nam Customs Department visited and worked with Sekong Customs from December 7 to December 9, 2022.

The delegation of Quang Nam Customs is led by Director Le Thanh Khang and nine members which are leaders of departments and sub-departments.

On the side of Sekong Customs, Customs Director of Sekong province, Head of Delegation and seven leaders of border-gate customs departments and stations.

At the meeting, the two sides informed each other about the situation of customs activities of each side and discussed a number of related contents.

At the same time, they discussed solutions to further strengthen the cooperation between the two parties in the future. Based on the spirit of friendship, solidarity, equality and mutual respect, the two sides reached an agreement on the following contents:

The two sides highly appreciated the results in the state management of customs in general and the coordination between the Customs forces of the two sides.

Quang Nam Customs – Sekong Customs (Laos): Strengthen cooperation and promote trade via Nam Giang – Dak Ta Ooc international border gate

Agreement on regularly exchanging information about new policies and regulations related to procedures for exported and imported goods, means of transport on exit, entry, and transit, and changes on the organizational structure of each side. Strengthening cooperation and support each other in the field of anti-smuggling, trade fraud, and illegal transport of goods and drugs across border; cooperating in providing professional information about goods and vehicles showing signs of violation upon request from each side.

Directing the border-gate customs units to fully and effectively implement the commitments between two countries on facilitating vehicles and cargoes which were transported across the border. Coordinating and supporting work and life appropriate with the conditions and capabilities of each party. Considering organizing cultural and sports exchanges when there is an opportunity or request of each party.

At the meeting, leaders of Quang Nam and Sekong Customs also agreed to assign the Manager of Nam Giang Border Gate Customs Branch and the Head of Dak Ta Ooc International Border Gate Customs as focal points to exchange information between Customs authorities of the two provinces. At the same time, it is recommended to the competent authorities pay attention to and invest in repairing and upgrading infrastructure and traffic routes between Nam Giang - Dak Ta Ooc international border gates.

Quang Nam Customs – Sekong Customs (Laos): Strengthen cooperation and promote trade via Nam Giang – Dak Ta Ooc international border gate

Regarding the organization of talks, the two sides agreed to alternately organize the meeting every two years between Quang Nam - Sekong Customs. The next meeting will be held in Tam Ky city, Quang Nam province in 2024 by the Quang Nam Customs Department.

For Nam Giang and Dak Ta Ooc international border gate customs, they will alternate quarterly meetings.

On this occasion, the delegation of Quang Nam Customs Department also paid a courtesy visit to the Secretary, Governor of Sekong province; visited and gave gifts to the family of comrade Bo Nhon - Le Viet Muong (from Quang Nam), the former Secretary, the first Governor of Sekong province.

Article's URL: https://english.haiquanonline.com.vn/quang-nam-customs-sekong-customs-laos-strengthen-cooperation-and-promote-trade-via-nam-giang-dak-ta-ooc-international-border-gate-24773.htmlPrint article

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