Preliminary assessment of Vietnam international merchandise trade performance in the first half of November, 2021

The Vietnam Customs Statistics announced that in the first half (01-15/11/2021) of November-2021, Vietnam’s total exports of US dollars 14.61 billion and imports of US dollars 14.98 billion resulted in a trade deficit of US dollars 370 million. Accordingly, the total value of export and import turnover of Vietnam in the first half of November was US dollars 29.59 billion, up by 3% as compared to the second half of October-2021.

Vietnam‘s trade-in-goods from January to the first half of November of 2021 totaled US dollars 569.03 billion in value terms. It posted an increase of 22.7% (equivalent to USD 105.32 billion) from the same period of previous year. In which, the total merchandise exports value was up 17.7% to nearly US dollars 284.45 billion and the total merchandise imports value was down 28.1%, to US dollars 284.58 billion.

In the view of FDI traders, from January to November 15th of 2021, the total value of FDI merchandise trade went up by 25.2% to US dollar 394.62 billion.


When compared with the second half of October-2021, export of first half of November decreased by 6.8%, mostly as a result of the downturn registered in telephone, mobile phone and part thereof (down by 24.3% - USD 751 million); computer electrical products and part thereofs (down by 17.1% - USD 420 million); fishery products (down by 13.1% - USD 66 million equally)…

Chart 1: Top 10 main exported commodities of Vietnam from Jan. to Nov 15th 2021 as compared to the same period of 2020.

Preliminary assessment of Vietnam international merchandise trade performance in the first half of November, 2021  	-  	EnglishStatistics  	: Vietnam


In the first half of November 2021, import increased by 14.9% when compared with the second half of October, mainly reflecting the upturn in computer, electrical products, spare-parts and components thereof (up by 17.2% - USD 651 million); machine, tools equipments (up by 11.9% - USD 207 million equally); crude oil (up by 121.5% - USD 181 millions)…

Chart 2: Top 10 main imported commodities of Vietnam from Jan. to Nov. 15th 2021 as compared to the same period of 2020.

Preliminary assessment of Vietnam international merchandise trade performance in the first half of November, 2021  	-  	EnglishStatistics  	: Vietnam

Source: Vietnam Customs

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