5,000 packs of smuggled cigarettes seized at Noi Bai International Airport

VCN – A large amount of smuggled cigarettes were detected and seized by Noi Bai International Airport Customs Branch, in coordination with Unit 1 - Anti-Smuggling and Investigation Department (General Department of Vietnam Customs) on April 7.
5,000 packs of smuggled cigarettes seized at Noi Bai International Airport
Cigarettes were packed in each boxes

The initial information showed that the above shipment was transported to Noi Bai International Airport on flight TK164 dated March 19, 2020, of Turkish Airlines, from Kazakhstan to Turkey and arriving at Noi Bai International Airport.

Customs authorities detected many suspicious signs in the consignment by using professional measures in the process of carrying out customs procedures. On April 7, competent forces conducted a physical inspection of the shipment. At the time of inspection, the person named in the shipment was not present.

As a result, the Customs authorities found that the shipment was electronic cigarettes of all kinds, branded HEETS. The total number of violating exhibits was: 10 packages (120kg), 500 cartons of cigarettes, equivalent to 5,000 packs.

5,000 packs of smuggled cigarettes seized at Noi Bai International Airport
A close up of an electronic cigarette pack in the shipment.

According to Noi Bai International Airport Customs Branch, the goods are electronic cigarettes. According to Circular 37/2013/TT-BCT dated December 30, 2013 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade regulating the importation of cigarettes, cigars and official dispatch of the General Department of Vietnam Customs on the import of electronic cigarettes, only Vietnam National Tobacco Corporation (VINATABA) is an authorized trader to import this item. The import of electronic cigarettes bearing individual names with the quantity of 500 cartons of cigarettes (120kg) is a sign of law violations.

After inspection, all the goods were sealed and handed over to Vietnam Air Cargo Services Joint Stock Company (ACSV) for storage at the warehouse under the supervision of Noi Bai International Airport Customs Branch.

5,000 packs of smuggled cigarettes seized at Noi Bai International Airport
Exhibits were counted by competent forces

The customs force is continuing to implement professional measures, verify information of the shipment in order to handle in accordance with regulation.

Article's URL: https://english.haiquanonline.com.vn/5000-packs-of-smuggled-cigarettes-seized-at-noi-bai-international-airport-14112.htmlPrint article

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