Strictly collaborating with associations in reform customs modernisation

VCN - To promote administrative procedure reforms towards the Government's policy to cut costs for the business community, and at the same time improve the efficiency of State management of customs, the Customs authorities conducted an assessment of administrative procedures compliance cost in customs from the aspect of enterprises.
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Professional activities at Vinh Phuc Customs Branch. Photo: N.Linh

For implementation, the General Department of Vietnam Customs has just sent a document to the Vietnam Business Forum Alliance (VBF), Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) for cooperation on relevant content.

Specifically, the General Department of Vietnam Customs asked VBF, VCCI to send the link to VBF members to participate in the survey. The time for receiving survey responses would run from September 5 to September 20. Based on the responses of the business community, the General Department of Vietnam Customs will coordinate with VBF to conduct interviews with businesses and stakeholders about customs procedures compliance costs.

Additionally, to improve the capacity of customs officials and employees, facilitating import and export activities, the General Department of Vietnam Customs also suggested VBF, VCCI to coordinate in strengthening knowledge provision about cargo for customs officials in the industryfields: mineral; wood and forestry products; paper and pulp; mechanical; steel; car; textile and footwear; plastic; chemistry.

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